Industry information
How to choose varistors
深圳市伟莱达电子有限公司 | Date:2019/6/28 | View:1185
如何選用 VDR 壓敏電阻


HOW TO SELECT A VDR (Metal Oxide Varistor)
Three steps for most of applications,
1)  Maximum Allowable Voltage: (What is the operation / working Voltage?)
     確認最大容許電壓: (產品工作電壓)
1.1 What type of the power source? AC or DC?
1.2 Be careful with the Stability of Power Source: ±10%, ±20% or ±30% ?
      注意供電電壓的穩定性±10%, ±20% or ±30% ?
1.3 From Song Long Catalog, select the Maximum Allowable Voltage that equal or higher
      than the power source peak working voltage
      選擇產品電壓(型錄中之Maximum Allowable Voltage)大於或等於電源峰值電壓的型號;
1.4 Refer to Maximum Allowable Voltage selection, point out the Varistor Voltage (Vb).
      A simple calculation: Vac = Vb@1mA x 0.63 ; Vdc = Vb@1mA x 0.81
      參考最大允許工作電壓對應岀VDR崩潰電壓. (也可由上述公式計算出)
2)  Maximum Clamping Voltage: (What is acceptable transient to the equipment?)
2.1 Under a certain current, what is the maximum transient voltage that the equipment or the
     device to be protected can withstand?
2.2 From 1.3 selection, choose a Maximum Clamping Voltage that the equipment can endure.
      It is easy to find a VDR clamping voltage from V-I curve when the transient current is known.
     如知道瞬時電流從壓敏電阻器的 V-I 曲線圖中可以很容易找出 VDR的最大抑制電壓.
2.3 It may refer to a minimum VDR size, or special design VDR with specified clamping voltage.
3)  The MOV Size (Diameter): (The concerns of using MOV safely.)
      VDR尺寸(直徑): (安全使用VDR的要點)
      Find the suitable VDR in diameter that can meet the following requirements
3.1 Withstanding Transient Energy (10/1000μs)
      To determine the energy absorbed by the MOV, the following equation can be applied
      Energy=K * Vclamp(V) * Ipeak(A) *Time(s)
      Where K is a constant. K value is 1.0 for a rectangular waveform, 1.4 for a 8/20μs and
      10/1000μs waveform. And Ip is the peak current applied, Vc is the clamping voltage
      which was current applied. T is the pulse width
      壓敏電阻器之能量 (Energy)計算公式如上述式中: K為常數,
      脈衝波為方形波時K值為1, 脈衝波為 8/20 μ 10/1000 μK值約為1.4
      IP 指所使用的峰值電流;VC 為通入電流時的抑制電壓;T為脈衝時間.
      The issued energy does not represent the entire quality of VDR, but can be a valuable
      indication when comparing the different series of VDR which have the same varistor
      A VDR with better (less) clamping voltage will absorb less energy, but have better
      performance to protect device.
      型錄之值並非壓敏能量電阻的品質指標. 同一崩潰電壓但不同尺寸即有不同能量值.
      抑制電壓小的壓敏電阻只可吸收較小的能量值, 但對其鄰近裝置可提供更好的安全保護.